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Head of the department
Ussypbayev Ussen Assylbekovich

The candidate of tehnicalsciences,docent
Address: Shymkent, 160018, Tauke Khan 5; UKGU. M. Auezov, building "B", Faculty of Construction and Transport ", Department of "Transport, Organization of Transportations and Movement", 333B.
Phone: 30-02-53
е-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Teachers' staff

General information
  The "Transport, organization of transportation and traffic" chair is the issuing. Formation and development of the higher automobile and road education of the Southern regions of Kazakhstan are connected with it.
Now the chair is headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor Usipbayev Usen Asylbekovich.
The chair as a part of university joined in Bologna Processes of single European educational space creation and passed to multi-level training of bachelors on specialties: 5B071300 - Transport, the transport equipment and technologies, 5B090100 – Organization of transportations, movements operation of transport and undergraduates by the specialty 6M071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies.
      Graduates of the chair are broad specialists and are demanded in all industries of transport. Many of them achieved career development in different spheres of engineering activities: in production, in management, in the sphere of service and services, structures of the Department of Internal Affairs, public service. Specialists with degree equal to 62% in "Transport, Organization of Transportations and Movement" chair. Chair's methodical seminars work is directed to enhancement of educational and teaching and educational process by implementation of information and innovative technologies. The chair has own page on the website of university, students have unlimited access to Internet network.

By the results of national rating of  IKAQAE-2017 (Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education), the educational programs of specialties 5B071300 - "Transport, transport equipment and technologies" and 5B090100- " "Organization of transport, traffic and operation of transport" of the department "Transport, Organization of Transportation and Traffic" M.Auezov SKSU took the 2nd place among the best universities in Kazakhstan.

Students and science

Teaching and educational work of the chair is based on the main directions of education, such as civil and patriotic, legal, spiritual and moral, family, esthetic and ecological education.
Students of chair repeatedly take honorable prizes at republican student's scientific competitions and the subject Olympic Games. They were awarded for progress in studying Kazakh by diplomas and certificates for scientific development in the Republican students' scientific societies forum.


A student from Poland had an internship program at the Department of IAESTE on «Transport, transport and traffic organization» UKGU name M.Auezov
In the period from 14.08.2017 for 30.09.2017 G. had an internship through IAESTE at the Department "Transport, organization of transportations and movement" a student from Poland Paula Kurzawska .
During his stay at the University she visited scientific laboratories of M. Auezov SKSU: LLP "ISLIP", LLP "Sapa", Museum of University, I went on a tour of the centers of Shymkent city", Bipekauto", "Hyundai Center Shymkent", "Toyota Center Shymkent" and went on unpk Department "Topid" station "Kazykurt" branch of JSC "KTZ-Freight Transport" - "the Shymkent branch of the SE".
Was organized a meeting of foreign students with students of our University.

        Scientific activities of chair are directed on:

-management methods of machines' reliability in operation research and enhancement;
-problems and ways of increasing of transport equipment's ecological safety;
-increasing of automobile fuel lubricants' operational and technical properties;
-the first educational laboratory for cars' computer diagnostics was created.
-researches of cargo-and-passenger-transportations and traffic safety efficiency increasing ;
-the specialized office of the organization of transportations and traffic control on a rail transport was created.



Chair Achievements

In the rating assessment of bachelor degree of Kazakhstan higher education institutions' programmes which is carried out by Bologna Process Center and academic mobility of MES RK, chair's both specialties of bachelor degree have taken prizes: specialty 5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies - 3rd place; specialty 5B090100 – Organization of transportations, movement and operation of transport - the 2nd place.

Information by specialties of "Transport, Organization of Transportations and Movement" chair

5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies 
5В090100-Organization of transportations, movements and operation of transport 
5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies 
The 3rd place was awarded to Asakhan Bekzat Asakhanuly in the
Republican Subject Olympiad on “5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies” specialty, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, 2015-2016 academic year
5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies 
The 3rd place was awarded to Ergashbayev Nursultan Utaraliyevich in the Republican Subject Olympiad on the theme: “Electric Power Installation of Transport Equipment” of “5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies” specialty, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, 2014-2015 academic year
5В090100-Organization of transportations, movements and operation of transport
The 3rd place was awarded to Kadirbaiuly Bolat in the Republican Subject Olympiad of “5В090100-Organization of transportations, movements and operation of transport” specialty, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, 2015-2016 academic year
5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies 
The 2nd place was awarded to Turabayev Serikbai Mirzabekuly in the
Republican Subject Olympiad on “5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies” specialty, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, 2015-2016 academic year
5В090100-Organization of transportations, movements and operation of transport  5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies 
The 1st place was awarded to Sabirov Olzhas Baseruly, Rakhimberdi Beibaris Kurmangaliyevich in Republican Competition “Eurasian Ring” ( with international participation) for the best research activities on the “Organization of transportations logistics and transport”
Scientific advisers: Candidate of Technical Science, associate professor Pernebekov Saken Sadibekovich
Candidate of Technical Science, associate professor Usipbayev Usen Asilbekovich
M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies 
By the rating results of Independent Agency of accreditation and rating of the Republic of Kazakhstan-2016 (Certificate) the 2nd place was awarded to 5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies specialty
M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies 
By the rating results of Independent Agency of accreditation and rating of the Republic of Kazakhstan-2016 (Certificate) the 1st place was awarded to 5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies bachelor speciality
M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
5В090100-Organization of transportations, movements and operation of transport 
By the rating results of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan-2016 (Certificate) the 2nd place was awarded to 5В090100-Organization of transportations, movements and operation of transport” specialty
M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
6M071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies 
By the rating results of Independent Agency of accreditation and rating of the Republic of Kazakhstan -2016 the 3rd place was awarded to 6M071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies specialty
5В090100-Organization of transportations, movements and operation of transport 
By the rating results of Independent Agency of accreditation and rating of the Republic of Kazakhstan -2015 the 1st place was awarded to 5В090100- Organization of transportations, movements and operation of transport specialty
5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies 
By the rating results of Independent Agency of accreditation and rating of the Republic of Kazakhstan -2015 the 2nd place was awarded to 5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies specialty
5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies 
By the rating results of Independent Agency of accreditation and rating of the Republic of Kazakhstan -2015 the 3rd place was awarded to 5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies specialty
The academic mobility programme
5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies 
Bababsheva Sevara Olugbekovna, group SM 11-1r
Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany, 2013 
5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies 
Mukhamedyarov Amirkhan Akilzhanuli, group SM 11-1r 
Gedemines Vilnius Technical University, Lithuania, 2014
5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies 
Izbasarov Saken Maratovich, Group SM 12-1k1
Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany, 2015
5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies 
Shograshev Shakhzhakhan, group SM 14-1r
Gedemines Vilnius Technical University, Lithuania, 2016
5B071300 – Transport, the transport equipment and technologies 
Rakhimberdy Beybarys Kurmangalyevich, group SM-15-1k2 Chech Republic Technical University since September of 2017.




To applicant
Specialty 5B071300 – “Transport, transport equipment and technologies”
Profiles: 1. “Vehicles and vehicle fleet”
              2. “Car service center and corporate service”
Qualification: “Bachelor of Transport”
Work field of a graduate: automobile operating company; automotive equipment maintenance plant; companies and organizations carrying out  transport operation; design-engineering service;  machinery plants and machinery reconditioning organizations; traffic logistics and administration service; transport inspection and customs agency.
Specialty 5B0090100 – “Organization of transportation, traffic and transport operation”
  1. “Traffic management”
                2. “Organization of transportation and control of main railway transport”
                3. “Organization of transportation and control of motor vehicle”
Qualification: “Bachelor of Transport”
Work field of a graduate: organization  of traffic management, organization of transportation and control of main railway transport, organization of transportation and control of motor vehicle, regional bodies of transport management and state transport agency, transport-expeditionary companies  and organizations: expert bodies of road traffic safety; transport inspection and custom service bodies.
Courses duration: full time courses – 4 years
night-class courses – 5 years
extra-mural courses after college – 3 years
online second higher education courses  - 2 years
Students of the department have an opportunity to take military training.


Head of the department
Dosaliev Kanat Serikovich
PhD doctor

Address: 160000, Shymkent, Tauke Khan, 5, Department of Building, Engineering and Transport ", Department of CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS."
Phone: 8 (7252) 21-23-18
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
►Teachers' staff
        Department "Technology of building materials, components and structures" was organized in KazHTI (now UKGU im.M.Auezova) in 1947. Important role in formation of the Department "Technology of building materials, components and structures" in terms of material equipment, the formation of teachers' pedagogical skills, effective research and development played the established pedagogical tradition, leading from the top of the head of the department who worked at different times.Pedagogical heritage of the Chair Khomutov AA and follow-up: Komarova, NN, Zinkin AM, Sharafievoy Z., Gluhoverova AL, Mamontov, Yu.A., Akhmetov, A., Ismailov, AA carefully stored and used by the department. From its former leaders, now working on it and large contributors to the science and the training should include professors, doctors of technical sciences Akhmetov, ARand Ismailov, AA
        Despite the extremely difficult situation in the transition to a market economy, the Department retained the teaching staff and material-technical base, providing a high level of training of future specialists. Of the 15 teachers 12 teachers with academic rank and degree are assigned to universities g.g.Moskvy, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Almaty.

          Scientists of the department were members of working groups of the National Committee for concrete and reinforced the USSR (Suzev NA, Mamontov YA), were part of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education Commission to verify the other universities (Suzev NA, Baybulekov AB) , a member of the National Educational and Methodological Council on building specialties (Ismailov, AA), were members of council for doctoral and master's theses (Ahmet AR), participated in international scientific conferences and symposia (Sharafieva Z.SH . Komarova, NN, Lysenko, NP, Altaeva SN, AR Akhmetov, AA Ismailov, Temirkulov TT, Mamontov, Yu.A., Kasimov, EK, Suzev NA, Balakirev BA, Kalshabekova EN, Kopzhasarov BT, etc.).
Scientific work
        At the department conducted research projects in the following priority areas:
        1) Improvement of the technology and properties of efficient products and designs from porous concrete according to the latest cutting technology.
        2) Use of raw materials of South Kazakhstan region for road concrete
        3) Investigation of local raw materials and industrial waste for the development of new production technology of finishing and wall building materials in Kazakhstan
        4) Improving the technology of concrete and concrete products (heavy, hydraulic engineering, road and airport), based on local raw materials, taking into account climatic and operational features.
        The scientific work of the department are actively involved students doing research in student scientific circles under the direction of the leading candidates and doctors of science.

     Postgraduate students of the group MP16-3p2 names are Zhumat Lyazzat, Abilda Shnar, Lessova Uldana currently studying Hemnickom technical university (Germany) with the program external academic mobility in «Chemical engineering»!

        Achieved level of scientific and pedagogical potential of the Department will open a master's and doctoral training highly qualified specialists in the specialty Graduate 6M073000 - Production of building materials, products and designs, Doctorate Phd degree 6D073000 - Production of building materials, products and designs.
        Scientific development department allow us to solve several problems of perfection of technology of precast concrete and building materials using local raw materials, byproducts of various industries.
        At the department developed in full all the methodological literature, created a rich material and technical base for training and research, experimental and laboratory work.
        In connection with the rate and volume of construction in Kazakhstan in accordance with the state housing program, this specialty is ostrodefitsitnoy, demanded and paid.
        For applicants have signed a contract with the department's intention to enter this profession organizes free training courses.
        Department training is conducted on all forms of learning and constantly improving technology education in the budget (applicants who received the highest scores on the test results, provided grants) and a commercial basis. In parallel with the training it is possible to get the officer's rank.
Specialty certified.
Specialty - 5V073000
"Production of building materials, components and structures"
        Graduates should be prepared for a career in design, construction, reconstruction and operation of enterprises producing construction materials, products and designs.
Qualifications: Bachelor of building materials, components and structures
Places of graduates:
Engineer, producer of works - at factories producing building materials, products and designs, construction and maintenance organizations;
engineer in designing organizations and entities;
Research Fellow - a research organization and structure;
Head of municipal infrastructure;
teacher - in the educational institutions of vocational training;\
the administrative authorities - to decide the issues of licensing and certification of enterprises of building materials and products;
Course duration:
full-time - 4 years;
correspondence department - 5 years;
Short distance learning-3 years;
Distance accelerated learning - 2 years;
Graduate - 2 years;
PhD - 3 years.
        During training, students can undergo military training and to obtain an officer rank.
        Awarded the qualification "Bachelor of production of building materials, products and kosntruktsy" and the state diploma.
Opportunities for continuing education:
        Graduates who successfully mastered the educational programs of higher education are prepared to learn:
a) a master's direction 6M073000 - Production of building materials, components and structures "
b) in the direction of doctoral 6D073000 - Production of building materials, products and designs.
The students' internship

        The students1 internship are carried out on the basis of the preliminary concluded contracts with following  state enterprises
«BekRA»  LLC (The limited liability company) Shimkent city
«Tur Ahmet and K» LLC (The limited liability company) Shimkent city
«Shimkentgilstroi» IBA OYSC (Industrial-building association Open joint-stock company) Shimkent city
«Stroidetal» LLC (The limited liability company) Aktobe city
«Zavod GBI-25» («Factory of  ICP-25», ICP- Iron-concrete products) LLC (The limited liability company) Aktobe city


Dean of the Faculty

Abshenov Hasen Asanbekovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Deputy Dean

Kozhakulov Nurzhan Kurbanovich
Senior Lecturer, Master's degree

Deputy Dean for "Social and Educational Work”

Kerimbekova Zaurekul Maidanbekovna
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Address:   160000,  Shymkent, 5 Tauke Khan Ave., 
Phone:  8(7252) 21-19-78
web-site: ,   e-mail:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

General information
The Faculty of Civil Engineering was organized in 1943 as the Technological Institute of Building Materials on the basis of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute.
The laboratories of the faculty are equipped with all the necessary equipment and facilities for carrying out laboratory, practical and research work at a high level, both for students and for faculty teachers, which makes it possible to train highly qualified competitive specialists who meet modern requirements.
Scientific research conducted at the faculty together with students, undergraduates and doctoral students allows us to solve a number of important problems in the field of improving and introducing cost-effective construction materials into production using various industrial waste and substandard raw materials, to calculate and design structures of buildings and structures, construction of roads and airfields. The design of buildings and structures is carried out using the latest computer technologies, achievements in the field of alternative energy are being introduced in the construction and operation of buildings and structures. Methods for calculating the strength and durability of materials and structural elements, taking into account operational impacts, have been developed, methods for predicting the durability of structures have been developed. Work is underway on the organization, provision and safety of road traffic, improving the reliability and wear resistance of automotive units. Teachers and students of the faculty are working on the design of prefabricated buildings and affordable housing. Students of our faculty became winners and prize-winners of various scientific Olympiads and competitions of various levels.

The primary task of the faculty is the high-quality training of specialists who will be in demand today and in the future in the labor market.
The educational activity of the faculty is aimed at training qualified specialists based on the integration of education and science using modern management and control systems, interactive methods and teaching methods that ensure high quality of the educational process.
The teaching staff at 5 departments of the faculty employs highly qualified specialists. Currently, the teaching staff consists of 162 teachers, including 12 doctors of sciences and professors, 81 candidates of sciences.,

Student life
The contingent of students of the faculty in all forms of education is growing every year. All of them are provided with a fund of educational and methodological literature, computer classes and software, and a sufficient classroom fund. There are gyms, stadiums and swimming pools at the disposal of students.
For the advanced part of the students of our faculty, groups are open with the teaching of a number of disciplines of the curriculum in English. Classes are conducted by teachers who have a good language base, have been trained in special language courses, as well as in the linguistic center of the university.
The faculty employs permanent creative teams of various directions: choreographic ensembles, KVN teams.

Information can be obtained by phone:
Dean of the Faculty
Abshenov Hasen Asanbekovich                      87252-21-19-78

Head of the Department of Architecture
Anarbaev Ermek Ahmetovich                       87252- 30-02-53

Head of the Department "Transport, organization of transportation and traffic"
Usipbekov Usen Asilbekovich                       87252- 30-02-53

Head of the Department "Construction and building materials"
Dosaliev Serik Kanatovich                            87252-21-23-18

Head of the department. "Life safety and environmental protection"
Shapalov Shermahan Kuttibaevich                      87252- 21-46-07

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