Practical Russian for technical specialties


Head of the department

Temirova Ulzhalgas Abdezovna

Location: Shymkent, 486018, Tauke Khan, 5, UKGU, building number 3
Phone: 8-725-2-300-570
►Teachers' staff
        Russian Language Department was formed in 1979 at the department of foreign languages ​​in order to improve the teaching of the Russian language and improve its role as a language of international communication.  Since its foundation department was managed in the different years Kim R.M. (1955-1973) Sokolskaya N.F. (1973-1979), Kalabaeva R.A. (1979-1980), Kulumbetova A.E. (1980-1984), Shalekenova M.K. (1984-1986 ), Taukeev S.U. (1986-1990), Mamadyarov S.A. (1990-1992), Elibaeva R.D. (1992-1997), Kulbaeva F.T. (1997-2006), Kaldykozova S.E. (2006 – present days). Over the years at the Department of Russian Language and Literature formed a highly creative team, capable of providing a high level of teaching of Russian in the national audience.  The main scientific directions of the department in those years were the issues teaching of Russian in a technical college. In the eighties the department managed by Doctor of Philology, Professor Kulumbetova Alia Eleusizovna - founder of Kazakh scientific school of system analysis artwork. Scientific contacts were established with the language departments at KSU (Kazan), TSPU (Tomsk), TSU (Tashkent) and VSU (Volgograd).  In scientific terms, in these years the department has studied the problems of professionally oriented learning of Russian language, as well as actual issues of linguodidactics.  In the early nineties, the department was managed Mamadyarov Seitbekov Amalbekovich. Important direction of department's work was a research problems of teaching Russian language to students with technical specialties. Currently, Mamadyarov S.A. heads "Veterans Council of SKSU named after Auezov". New directions in the work of the department has made Head of the Department, Professor of Philology,  docent Elibaeva Raushan Duysenovna. Thanks to her in these years Dzhaksylykova F.Z., Sandybaeva N. and Kozhamberdina R.D successfully defended their doctoral dissertations. In 1992-1997 Department worked under scientific direction "Improved methods of teaching Russian language in Kazakh audience". From 1997 to 2006 the department was managed docent, Ph.D. Kulbaeva Feruza Tasbolatovna. During this period, the department had defended 4 thesis for the degree of PhD Sciences (Erimbetova A.T., Lesbekova L.J., Kaldykozova S.E., Anartaeva G.U.). The main scientific and methodological work was directed to the intensification and optimization of the educational process, the formation and development of the main methods positions of teaching Russian in the national audience.  From 2006 to the present time is the head of the department Ph.D. Kaldykozova Sandugash Erkinbekovna. Kaldykozova S.E. pays great attention to the strengthening of the scientific staff of the department. Increasing scientific capacity of the department was made by recruited Ph.D Tursunov A.N., Aytmambetov F.U., Kuandykova D.M. and etc. Since 2006, an important scientific direction of the department is to study the specificity of scientific style of speech, development of methods of teaching students perception, reproduction, production of scientific texts of professional profile. Methodical work significantly increased over the last years, the department developed 53 training manuals for professional Russian language, including allowances, "Profession petroleum worker. Russian language for students of Petroleum" (Authors: Kaldykozova S.E., Arynbaeva R.A. et al, 2012), professional Russian language for students of specialty "Zootechnician" (Authors: Kaldykozova S.E., Nurzhanova D.K., 2009), "Tutorial Russian language for students of specialities "Construction", "Architecture" (Authors: Anartaeva G.U., Lesbekova L.J., 2008), "Profession agronomist" (Authors: Akhmetov A.M., Tursunov A.N. et al, 2010), "Russian for biotechnologists" (Authors: Dzhaksylykova F.Z., 2010), "Professional Russian language for students of specialities "Informatics", "Information Systems" (Authors: Aytmambetov F.U., Aliev G.A., 2011), "Professional Russian language for students-economists" (Authors: Lesbekova L.J., Kuandykova D.M 2012, "Development of scientific and professional speech for students of specialities "Criminology", "Chemistry" (Authors: Baitenova R.M.), etc. In 2007 the department began work on a new state budget theme of scientific research works is "Problems of contrastive linguodidactics terminology and issues". Practical experience and the results of scientific research reflected in the proceedings of international, national conferences, scientific publications and abroad. In these years, the department began work on the creation of educational industry terminology dictionaries. As a result, large and hard work have been developed following training terminological dictionaries: academic terminology dictionary for students of "Veterinary Medicine" (Kaldykozova S.E., Tursunov A.N.), academic terminology dictionary for chemistry students, academic terminology dictionary for students with specialties "Architecture", "Design" (Temirhanova B.S., Akhmetov A.K.), academic terminology on economy (Kuandykova D.M.), teaching and terminology on biotechnology (Dzhaksylykova F.Z.), Dictionary Directory for dairy and meat products (Baidullaeva R.SH.). The department maintains close ties with universities in the region and the southern cities of Almaty and Astana. Members of the department are involved in lecturing training courses at RIoTT (Regional Institute of Teachers Training) teachers are members of the jury at the regional competitions of schoolchildren in the Russian language. The key of successful solution in the core areas of teaching Russian language is a constant search for the most intensive research and modern forms of work. Along with traditional methods of language learning widely ATS department puts into practice active forms such as role play, case method, mini - conferences, debates, brainstorming, etc.


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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


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