
On December 24, the Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Transport, together with the Educational and Information Center, held a round table dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Academician, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Construction and Building Materials, Laureate of the prize. Grishmanova I.A. of the Russian Engineering Academy, Moscow, author of more than 135 scientific papers, including 4 monographs, as well as a reviewer of the republican scientific and technical construction magazine "Vira" - Akhmetov Akbulat Raimbekovich. The opening speech was given to the vice-rector for academic and methodological work Abisheva R.Zh., and colleagues and guests of the round table made their wishes and congratulations: Baibulekov A. B. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department "Construction and Building Materials", Usenkulov J.A. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor and head of the Department "Construction and Building Materials", Kopzhasarov B. T. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department "Construction and Building Materials", Dulatova G. head of the Parasat Department, Naukenova A. S. - Head of the Department of Academic Affairs, Khamitova B.M. - Head of the Department of Didactics, Zhanabaev Zh.Zh. - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Aldiyarov Zh.A. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Imanaliev Kuanysh Yeralyuly - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Transport, Saurbaeva I.K. - Director of the OIC
In modern conditions, the higher school of Kazakhstan has set important tasks for innovative industrialization and human potential development. The transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to a model of sustainable development, the increase and updating of information, the rapid development of technology and technology, the improvement of production, social services require improving the quality and efficiency of training specialists.
The priority direction of research development at the Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Transport is the integration of scientific and educational resources, increasing scientific potential, as well as the relationship of science, education and innovation and production activities. In this regard, the policy of research work in choosing the directions of the faculty "Architecture, Construction and Transport" was formed in accordance with the priority directions of the development of technical science: construction, transport, architecture and design, development of new building materials.
Research work (R&D) at the Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Transport in the course of training were associated with the implementation of scientific and design and technological work.
Research topics performed at the faculty on state budget topics
The following research works were carried out at the faculty according to the thematic plan of the University for 2021 academic years:
B-16-05-11 . The implementation of innovative methods of efficient and safe operation of transport, increasing the reliability and mobility of vehicles.
B-16-05-12 . Development of methods for increasing the strength, reliability of vehicles (TS) and evaluation of the survivability of machine parts using methods of applied fracture mechanics (PMR). Scientific supervisor Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor Tagaev N.S.
B-16-04-09 Formation of the graphic competence of the future Bachelor of Engineering and Technology. (head: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Dzhanabaev Zh.Zh.).
B-16-04-10 "Features of architectural and artistic originality of the Southern megalopolis of Kazakhstan at the level of general plan design, design of residential areas, residential formations, parks and small architectural forms". (head:Candidate of Technical Sciences, Yusupov A.N).
B-16-04-12 "The prospect of the introduction of pile structures in the south of Kazakhstan" (ruk. Brovko I.S.).
B-16-04-13 "Investigation of the work of civil buildings of various structural schemes under various loads and impacts" (hands. Usenkulov Zh.A.).
B-16-04-14 "Development and research of physico-mechanical properties of slag-alkali binders and concretes based on local substandard materials for road construction" (ruk.Aimenov Zh.T.).
B-16-06-01 "Improving the technology of manufacturing building materials, products and structures on local raw materials and industrial waste".
B-16-11-20 Linguodidactic aspects of the development of language, speech, communicative and scientific-professional competence of future technical specialists (scientific supervisors: associate professors Kaldykozova S.E., Anartaeva G.U., Aitmambetov F.U.).
B-16-04-03 Research on the development and creation of innovative technologies of thermochemical enrichment and receiving industrial and environmentally friendly fertilizers and salts from natural raw materials and industrial wastes of various industries (hands. doctor of technical Sciences, Professor K. T. Zhantasov);
B-16-04-04 development of methodology for the design and materials effectively blocks catalytic reduction of harmful gas impurities of various thermal power plants (hands. Saipov A.A.).
The faculty showed the following significant scientific and creative results.
Professor of the Department Pernenbekov S. S. was invited to call the Academy of the Academy of national engineering and transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In the Republican primary Olympiad 09.04.2021 in Almaty, Kazatk im. Tynyshpayeva M. on specialties 5b090100-" Organization of transportation, movement and operation of transport"and on specialties 5b071300 -" transport, transport equipment and technology "from the department" transport, organization of transportation and movement " of YUKGU.Auezova M. 5 students took part. Students of the department received very good results and students of groups CM-15-1k1 Talipbaeva zh. and CM-15-2K2 Razakhov A. were awarded diplomas of the III degree. Scientific leaders K. T. N., associate professors N. S. Tagaev and U. A. Usipbayev.
A student of the SM-15-1k2 Group Rakhimberdy Beybarys Kurmangalievich for meetings in the field of education, science, sports, culture was awarded the medal "Best Student of the year". Head K. T. N., associate professor U. A. Usipbayev
Associate professors of the department, K. T. N. Tagaev N. S. and Kartashova A.V. within the framework of the project "economy, ecology and infrastructure of high-speed highways" the international program "ERASMUS" was financed by the European Union in the cities of Khabarovsk, Yekateribur and St. Petersburg of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the trip was to solve the problem of ensuring high-speed trains of the Eurasian continent (VSP-250 km/h), training of necessary specialists (undergraduates) at universities in the sphere of the way, according to the report, opening of courses to improve the qualification of employees of the department and training programs for NIH.
Visiting department U. A. Usipbayev and Associate Professor N. S. Tagaev 2-4 December this year were in the engineering and Economic Institute of Karshi, kashgadarinsky region of Uzbekistan. During the trip, events were held to promote the Bologna Process, the concept of academic mobility. Meetings with Vice-rectors, Deans, visiting departments headed by the rector, D. T. N., Professor N. N. Makhmudov of KIEI. Lectures, training seminars were held with students of the institute, as well as familiarized with the technical, operational, economic and environmental characteristics of the most high-speed train in Asia "Afrosiyob", according to the Tashkent-Samarkand-Karshi.
The Department "Architecture" has scientific relations with leading CIS universities: Novosibirsk State architectural and Art Academy; Tashkent Architectural Institute, Samarkand state architectural and Construction Institute and Maltepe University (Turkey). The agreement provides for cooperation and conducting scientific research and design works, improving the qualification of PPS and employees of cooperating organizations. This academic year, leading scientists from Russia were invited (Novosibirsk State architectural and artistic Academy, Moscow). Novosibirsk) for studying for undergraduates. Graduates of the Department are also trained (master's degree) at universities "architecture and planning" in India, balonia (Italy) through the international exchange of students Erasmus Mundus, Bolashak program in the United States and Russia (Novosibirsk State architectural and decorative Academy) according to the agreement "I don't know," he said. "I'm Sorry," I Said.
Through international cooperation, the Department hosted lectures for undergraduates and students of leading foreign universities: the Department took part in the architectural design Olympiad held in Kazgas (Almaty) in March 2021, in which 5 students of 3-4 courses of the department took part training of Kazakh and Russian languages. Diploma II-y stepeni received student Zhumabekov Adilbek GR.CM 15-5k3. The department took part in the IX International Festival of Eurasian architectural and design schools "TURKSOY" in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) 14-18.11.2021: student Askarov Bagdaulet under the leadership of K. A. associate professor of the Department Yusupova A. N. received a diploma of the III degree. The department took part in the annual Republican competition-review of diploma works on architectural design, held in Kazgas Mok (Almaty) in October 2021, in which 5 students of 3-4 courses of Kazakh and Russian languages took part. Diploma III-y education under the leadership of Yusupova A. N. and Imanalieva K. E. received a student Askarov Bagdaulet GR.CM 15-5K, and also under the guidance of Kadyrova A. R. student Galeeva Elvira.
Associate professor of the Department" Industrial, civil and road construction "Ibragimov K. was awarded the Medal " Certificate No. 6 for significant work" Vodokanal " LLP G. Shymkent
4 scientific monographs were published by the Faculty of the department "transport, organization of transportation and movement"
1. Saidullayeva N.S., Tagayev N.S. Solution of the tasks of circular cylindrical layer interacting with a viscous and an ideal incompressible liquid. Monograph – Shymkent: publishing house «Alem», 2021. – 160 p.
2.Saidullayeva N. S., Tagaev N. S. solving the tasks of Nest games of the cylindrical family interacting with the inexhaustible resource. Monograph.Shymkent: Alem publishing house, 2021. - 186 P.
3.Usipbayev U. A., Pernebekov S. S., Tolenov A. T., Toylybaev A. E. traffic management. Monograph. Shymkent: Alem printing house, 2021. - 170 P.
4.Törtbaeva D. R., Pernebekov S. S., Usipbayev U. A., Tulenov A. T. methods of treatment of oil-contaminated wastewater of oil refineries. Monograph. Shymkent: Alem printing house, 2021. - 161 P.
Faculty staff successfully works in attracting students to research and scientific activities. On November
28-29, 2021, a scientific and practical conference of young scientists of the faculty was held in connection with the Message of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Constructive public dialogue is the basis of stability and prosperity of Kazakhstan". These days, at 6 departments of the faculty, students made presentations in their sections under the guidance of teaching staff of departments, mainly in technical areas.
The Republican Scientific and Practical 23rd Student Conference was held in accordance with the "Program" of the conference on March 12-13, 2020.
At the faculty, under the guidance of leading scientists, scientific and pedagogical work is traditionally carried out in the following areas::
1. Innovative improvement of the culture of learning in the context of the development of the education and science system.
2. Improving the quality of education based on academic mobility of students.
According to the curricula of undergraduates, a scientific and pedagogical practice is planned, which undergraduates undergo in the 1st year.
The teaching staff of the department, who are the heads of undergraduates, provide internships, development of plans, approval of schedules. A preparatory and ongoing recommendation is underway. Undergraduates conduct classes in special disciplines under the guidance of leading teaching staff. The main results of the scientific and pedagogical work of the teaching staff are published in the open press.
In 2021, 8 undergraduates graduated from the Department of "Technology of Building Materials, Products and Structures" according to the SPIID-2 educational program "Modern Building materials", two undergraduates of the scientific and pedagogical direction prepared for the defense of a master's thesis and one undergraduate graduate in the profile direction. All undergraduates completed the curriculum in full. Undergraduates had their scientific practice in research and production centers and laboratories of the university. The scientific practices of undergraduates were supervised by leading specialists of production and teaching staff of the department.
Scientific supervisors of the team of M. Auezov SKSU, from the Department of "Transport, organization of transportation and Traffic", Ph.D., associate professors Tagaev N.S. and Usypbaev U.A. for the high achievements of students and active participation in the Republican subject Olympiad received a "Letter of Thanks" from the name of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the President-Rector of KazATK, Chairman of the organizing Committee for the subject Olympiad in Almaty. Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences N.S.Tagaev was awarded a "Letter of Thanks" for high achievements in research works from the OU of the SC and the rector of the SKSU. M.Auezov, as well as a "Letter of Thanks" on behalf of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Director of the Republican School "Zhas Ulan" named after Hero of the Soviet Union Sabyr Rakhimov for the high achievements of students in research and patriotic education of younger youth and for active participation, chairmanship of the jury during the Olympiad "ASKER/ROBOTICS-2018".
Teachers of the department "Architecture" Kozhakulov N.K. and Mizamov N. for active participation in the construction of Turkestan in July 2021 were awarded a Certificate of commendation.
Under the guidance of the faculty of the department, 5 students of the 3-4 courses of the Department of Kazakh and Russian languages of instruction participated in the subject Olympiad on architectural design held in KAZGAS (Almaty) in March 2021. The diploma of the II-th degree was received by the student Zhumabekov A. gr.CM 15-5k3.
In the IX International Festival of Eurasian Architectural and Design schools "Turksoy", in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) on 14-18.11.2021: student Askarov B. under the guidance of associate professor of the department Yusupov A.N. received a diploma of the III degree.
In the annual Republican contest-viewing of diploma works on architectural design, held at KAZGAS IOC (Almaty) in October 2021, in which 5 students of the 3-4 courses of the Department of Kazakh and Russian languages of instruction participated. Diplomas of the III degree under the guidance of Yusupov A.N. and Imanaliev K.E. were received by the student Askarov Bagdaulet gr.SM-15-5k, as well as under the guidance of Kadyrov A.R. student Galeeva Elvira.
For success in the educational process, senior lecturer A.T. Ainabekov received a diploma from the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Under the scientific guidance of Yusupov A.N., students Samuratov A. and Khaytmet V. won the competition "Altyn belgi", organized by the Akimat of Shymkent.
The student of the department Askar Baubek won the diploma of the I-th degree at the contest of young designers, artists and architects "ART FEST Turkistan" in the nomination "Best architect", held in Turkestan in July 2021.
Kydyraliev Kuanyshbek's master's project took 1st place at the Republican competition of graduation papers (KAZGAS, Almaty).
The following achievements were achieved in the Department of "Life Safety and Environmental Protection":
1. Algys khat, Kazakhstan Republikasy zhogary oku oryndary studentteri arasynda atken 5B073100 – "Korshagan ortany korgau zhane omirtirshiliginin kauipsizdigi" mamandygy boyynsha XI Republikalyk pan olympiadasynda studentterge zhetekshilik zhasagany usin, 15-16 sauir 2021zh., Kyzylorda K.: Bektureeva G.U., Kerimbekova Z.M.
2. Algys khat, University of OPK arasynda agylshyn-orys tilderi boyynsha atkizilgen "Uzdik audarmashy" baykauyna katyskany ushin, 04/24/2021zh.: Zhumataeva S.B.
3. Kualik, elimizdin zhogary bilim beru juyusinin damuyna koskan zor ulesi zhane belsendi gylym zhetikteri men eren enbegi ushin, zhogary zhane zhogary oku orninan keyngi bilim sapasyn "Uzdik gylym kyzmetkeri" atagi berildi, 9.12.2021zh.: Naukenova A.S.
4. Algys khat, Egemendi elimizdin osin-orkendeuimen aleumettik-ekonomikalyk damuy zholynda atkaryp kele zhatkan enbeginiz ben belsendi kyzmetiniz usin, (Kala akimi e.Aitakhanov), 13.12.2021zh.: Kenzhalieva G.D.
5. "On prizes in the field of science and state scientific scholarships" and the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 4, 2021 No. 517 awarded: Young scientists: Shapalov Sh.K.


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