"Practical Russian language for technical specialties"- TS

Kaldikozova Sandugaw Erkinbekovna
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent
Managing faculty
The information for communication:
Building №2 (Б), 109 office
Office number: 8(7252) 30-05-70
Mob. number: 87022439977
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Anartayeva Gulnara Ulasbekovna
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent
The information for communication:
Building №2 (Б), 109 office
Office number: 8(7252) 30-05-70
Mob. number: 87013751792
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tursunov Abdulla Nishanovich
Candidate of philological sciences, docent
The information for communication:
Building №2 (Б), 109 office
Office number: 8(7252) 30-05-70
Mob. number: 87012826878
Aytmambetov Farhad Umirzakovich
Candidate of philological sciences, docent
The information for communication:
Building №2 (Б), 109 office
Office number: 8(7252) 30-05-70
Mob. number: 87016497677
Esimhanova Nagima Auelbekovna
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent
The information for communication:
Building №2 (Б), 109 office
Office number: 8(7252) 30-05-70
Mob. number: 87016682112
Aliyeva Gulnar Abdugapbarovna
the senior tutor
The information for communication:
Building №2 (Б), 109 office
Office number: 8(7252) 30-05-70
Mob. number: 87016210624
Baitenova Raushan Miltikbaevna
the senior tutor
The information for communication:
Building №2 (Б), 109 office
Office number: 8(7252) 30-05-70
Mob. number: 87018256310
Baydullayeva Rayhan Sharipbekovna
the senior tutor
The information for communication:
Building №2 (Б), 109 office
Office number: 8(7252) 30-05-70
Mob. number: 87014761740
Musantayeva Maira Asanbekovna
the senior tutor
The information for communication:
Building №2 (Б), 109 office
Office number: 8(7252) 30-05-70
Mob. number: 87016952235
Drobyazko Natalya Vladimirovna
the senior tutor
The information for communication:
Building №2 (Б), 109 office
Office number: 8(7252) 30-05-70
Mob. number: 87013857329
Е- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Arinbayeva Rimma Anuarbekovna
the senior tutor
The information for communication:
Building №2 (Б), 109 office
Office number: 8(7252) 30-05-70
Mob. number: 87023605685
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Achmetova Aigul Manapovna
the senior tutor
The information for communication:
Building №2 (Б), 109 office
Office number: 8(7252) 30-05-70
Mob. number: 87016742730
Bairhanova Kenge Slambekovna
the senior tutor
The information for communication:
Building №2 (Б), 109 office
Office number: 8(7252) 30-05-70
Mob. number: 87004066398
Bimurzina Asiya Ahmetovna
the senior tutor
The information for communication:
Building №2 (Б), 109 office
Office number: 8(7252) 30-05-70
Mob. number: 87052590745
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Daribayeva Anar Auelbekovna
the senior tutor
The information for communication:
Building №2 (Б), 109 office
Office number: 8(7252) 30-05-70
Mob. number: 87015479701
Е- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Umurzakova Meruert Amangeldiyevna
The information for communication:
Building №2 (Б), 109 office
Office number: 8(7252) 30-05-70
Mob. number: 87011654462
Е- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Khugaahmedova Dinara Nurbaiyevna
The information for communication:
Building №2 (Б), 109 office
Office number: 8(7252) 30-05-70
Mob. number: 87014640322


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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


(8-725-2) 40-08-99

(8-725-2) 27-38-52


Chancellery(8-725-2) 21-01-41



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