Goreiev Nicolay Konstantinovich arrived with purpose exchange an experience in the sphere of scientific project’s
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From 21.01.2016 y. by 01.02.2016 y, arrived on cathedra of «Transport, organization of traffic and the movement candidate of technical sciences, chict cathedra of «explotation of automobile transport» South Ural State university of Russian Federation Goreiev Nicolay Konstantinovich with purpose exchange an experience in the sphere of scientific project’s, probation magistrance’s and PPS, as well as exchange academic mobility, increase scientific article’s in abroad journal’s rating edition’s with impact-factor. Goreiev N.K. examined with organization of studies process by specialties 5B071300 «Transport, transport technique and tehnology» 5B090100 «Organization of transportation, the movement and explotation of transport » 6M071300 «Transport, transport technique and technology».