On the results of V-th International Festival of architectural and design schools of Eurasia in Florence (Italy)
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07-11 December 2015 the VI International Festival of architectural and design schools of Eurasia in Florence (Italy), organized by the KazGASA (Almaty, Kazakhstan), TURKSOY (Ankara, Turkey), the Union of Architects of the Turkic World (Ankara, Turkey ) and the University of intercultural dialogue Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation (Florence or Italy).
The festival was attended by more than 120 representatives of 66 higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, South Korea, China, Japan, Turkey, Moldova, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Tatarstan and Uzbekistan, which have submitted to the court the international jury of more than 350 graduation projects.
South Kazakhstan State University M.Auezov represented by Head of the Department "Architecture" c.t.s. Imanaliev K.E.
International contest graduation projects was organized online mode, followed by selection of entries for Scoring and held in the following nominations: architecture, design, construction, production of building materials, products and designs.
One of the 3 submitted graduation projects of the Department of "Architecture" South Kazakhstan State University M.Auezov took third place prize (student Shvaykovskaya A.V., head of Yusupov A.N.), and other certificates issued.
The organizers and the jury of the international festival noted the high level of performance and relevance of the graduation projects submitted by university SKSU. M.Auezov.