Educational lesson hours "Labor Day"

  On the 2nd 2015, "Construction and Transport" faculty "Architecture" at the 12.50 am be Department be audience 435V annual educational lesson hours, 1-year students mentor  SM-15-5k2 group Zhetpisbayeva B.U. "Labor Day" held on the topicbe and it be as follows.

     According to the plan:

     Introduction curator Zhetpisbayeva B.U. open educational hour group lesson and told about the "Labor Day" to explain the title of one of the reported data.

     1. The words of congratulations to the first group of students.

     2. Entertainment - a 1-year student Dosaliev A.

     3. The reportbe "Labor Daybe" students who Zabïev R.

     4. Interactive whiteboard (cinema film) 20mïn. Presentation.

     5. The questions and answers on topics important to the appropriate students.

     6. SM 15-5k2 interesting proverbs and sayings in the group games.

     7. Thinking qabletterin for the development of psychological experiments.

     8. At the end of the closing of educational hours - the head of the group Zhetpisbayeva B.U.

     The last Sunday in September for the first time that the "Labor Day" celebration will be held. Labor Day about the objectives and measures of the briefing at the Central Communications Service under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Vice-Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Daulet Argandykov reported. November 22, 2013 decision of the Head of State, to be celebrated the last Sunday of September, the "Labor Day" was introduced. The main purpose of this holiday manufacturer incentive in the creation of a society of universal labor, working for the promotion and strengthening of the family of the long tradition of the profession among young people.

     The event is organized by the Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the following nominations for "house of labor", "Veteran", "Leader", "The Future of Labor" and "Labor Development and Innovation" will be honored with special awards. The national economy in a variety of the best workers in the framework of the forum "Veteran" medal awarding ceremony will take place.

     On the 2nd 2015, "Construction and Transport" faculty "Architecture" will be at 12.50 am be chair be be annual educational SM 15-5k2 group be students 1 lesson be "Labor Day" was held be be topic.

     Open educational hours be work, "Russian-language technical staffbe" be mentor and be senior lecturer be be faculty be be Department be Mwsantaeva Myra Asanbekqızı. "Life safety and environmental protectionbe" Head of the Department Prof. Naukenova A.S."Materials senior lecturer in" and "Architecture" Dr. Imanaliev KE head be be Department be Architecture of the candidate A. Yusupov and senior teacher Yeraliyevbe S., M., senior curator Omiralieva and etc. senior teachers and teachers.

     Open educational lesson SM 15-5k2 by be group supervisor, senior lecturer Zhetpisbayeva Bibiguli Uzakbaevna.


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