Dear friends!
I would like to announce with the great pleasure that private website of " Construction and Transport" faculty of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University is now available for public use.
Construction faculty was created in 1943 on the base of Kharkiv Politechnic Institude as technical institution of construction materials. Laboratories of faculty were equipped with facilities for students and teachers to make laboratories, practical and scientific research works. It helps to prepare competitive specialists who will meet current requirements.
Scientific researches with students, undergraduates and Ph.D let to solve valuable problems connected with producing cost-effective materials from waste industry and substandard raw materials, make calculations and construction of roads and airfields. Design of buildings are conducting by new computer technology with alternative energy while construction. Methods of calculating strength and longevity of construction elements and prediction methods of the durability were created. Nowadays organization works of safety and security roads, improving reliability and durability of automobile units are on process. Teachers and students want to create comfortable and affordable apartments. Students of our faculty are prize-winners of some kind of scientific olympics and competitions of different levels.
Main task of faculty is prepare specialists, which will be in demand today and in the future labor market. Educational activities of faculty are aimed at training good qualified students based on the integration of education and scientific with using modern system of management and control, interactive methods and methods of teaching, which provide high quality of educational process.
Today 6 departments of the faculty have great number of teachers. Currently faculty consists of 162 teachers: 12 of them are Ph.D and professors, 81 are Ph.D..
Every year number of students is increasing in all types of education. All of them have been provided with educational and methodical literature, with computer rooms and software, sufficient auditor fund. Also they have opportunities to attend sport gyms, stadiums and swimming pools.
For a great number of the students of our faculty available groups with teaching a number of curriculum subjects in English. Teachers, who have a good language base, will teach you. They have completed special language courses, also linguistic centers of university. There are you can develop your art skills by attending choreographic ensembles and teams of humor.
All conditions were organized for students: modern library, electronic reading room, free internet center, assembly hall, art gallery, medical office, canteen, 5- story dormitory. They are located near the university and deliver a favorable conditions for students to gain knowledge without barriers.
Faculty invites highly qualified specialists from higher educational institutions of near and far abroad for additional education. Students of our faculty are winners of international and republic olympics.
We work in a close contract with factories, educational and cultural centers.
Our graduates work in the field of education of culture and social work. Among them there are many graduates who occupy leading positions and have become popular due to their talent and knowledge.
Dear friends and enrollees!
To be more acquainted with the life and specialties of our faculty you can get all necessary information on this site.
Welcome to our website!
Construction faculty was created in 1943 on the base of Kharkiv Politechnic Institude as technical institution of construction materials. Laboratories of faculty were equipped with facilities for students and teachers to make laboratories, practical and scientific research works. It helps to prepare competitive specialists who will meet current requirements.
Scientific researches with students, undergraduates and Ph.D let to solve valuable problems connected with producing cost-effective materials from waste industry and substandard raw materials, make calculations and construction of roads and airfields. Design of buildings are conducting by new computer technology with alternative energy while construction. Methods of calculating strength and longevity of construction elements and prediction methods of the durability were created. Nowadays organization works of safety and security roads, improving reliability and durability of automobile units are on process. Teachers and students want to create comfortable and affordable apartments. Students of our faculty are prize-winners of some kind of scientific olympics and competitions of different levels.
Main task of faculty is prepare specialists, which will be in demand today and in the future labor market. Educational activities of faculty are aimed at training good qualified students based on the integration of education and scientific with using modern system of management and control, interactive methods and methods of teaching, which provide high quality of educational process.
Today 6 departments of the faculty have great number of teachers. Currently faculty consists of 162 teachers: 12 of them are Ph.D and professors, 81 are Ph.D..
Every year number of students is increasing in all types of education. All of them have been provided with educational and methodical literature, with computer rooms and software, sufficient auditor fund. Also they have opportunities to attend sport gyms, stadiums and swimming pools.
For a great number of the students of our faculty available groups with teaching a number of curriculum subjects in English. Teachers, who have a good language base, will teach you. They have completed special language courses, also linguistic centers of university. There are you can develop your art skills by attending choreographic ensembles and teams of humor.
All conditions were organized for students: modern library, electronic reading room, free internet center, assembly hall, art gallery, medical office, canteen, 5- story dormitory. They are located near the university and deliver a favorable conditions for students to gain knowledge without barriers.
Faculty invites highly qualified specialists from higher educational institutions of near and far abroad for additional education. Students of our faculty are winners of international and republic olympics.
We work in a close contract with factories, educational and cultural centers.
Our graduates work in the field of education of culture and social work. Among them there are many graduates who occupy leading positions and have become popular due to their talent and knowledge.
Dear friends and enrollees!
To be more acquainted with the life and specialties of our faculty you can get all necessary information on this site.
Welcome to our website!
Yours sincerely, Imanaliev Kuanish Eralievich Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, construction and transport