Head of the department Ussypbayev Ussen Assylbekovich The candidate of tehnicalsciences,docent Address..." />

Transport, organization of transportation and traffic

Ramatullayeva Lazzat Imamadinovna

Head of the department, Cand.Tech.Sci., docent
Address:  160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №3, 312 «В» 
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Теl.: +7 707 726 71 12  

1. Teaching staff

Ramatullayeva Lazzat Imamadinovna
Head of the department, Cand.Tech.Sci., docent
Address:  160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,

SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №3, 312 «В» 
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Теl.: +7 707 726 71 12  

2. The history of the department
3. Research work of the department
4. Educational program 6B11210 – "Life safety and environmental protection"
5. List of qualifications and positions
6. Educational work of the department

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